Find your Representative and his/her office phone number:
- If you do not know your Zip+4 postal code, you can find it here via your postal address;
- Click here: Find your Representative;
- Enter your Zip+4 postal code and click the red “FIND YOUR REP BY ZIP” button;
- Below on that page, find and write down the phone number for the Washington office.
How do we talk to the Representative’s office
Call the Washington office, request to be switched over to the Legislative Team, and ask what position your Representative will take on H.Res.664. You should call every day, such a conversation will not take more than 3 minutes. Our goal is to get a definite answer. This method works best. Such brief conversation generally flows as illustrated here. In any case, please let us know how your conversation went (
If the office asks you to present the case by email:
Instructions are provided below because messaging Representatives can be a bit more complicated.
- Click “Find your Representative”.
- Enter your Zip+4 postal code and click he red “FIND YOUR REP BY ZIP” button below it.
- Find and click a small envelope symbol (on the left side, below his name).
- Fill out all required fields and send them your message (click here to display a sample text).
- Make sure you know your Zip+4 postal code. If not you can find it here by your street address.
- Click this link to go to “Find your Representative” official page (this will open it in a new browser tab or window, so you can come back here to continue reading).
- Once there, enter your Zip+4 in a field in the center of the page and click he red “FIND YOUR REP BY ZIP” button below it.
- The next page brings information about your representative in the Congress. On the left side, below his name and picture (which may not be there), find a small envelope symbol and click it.
- This brings you to the contact page on the representative’s Web site. Follow any instructions exactly (they may vary for individual representatives, but are generally similar), until you are in the page where you can write your message.
- Fill out any required information about yourself (name, email, etc.).
- The most important fields are Subject and Message. You can compose your own phrases, or spare yourself long typing and use our proposed texts, which you can copy from our Web page and paste into your representative’s Web page. Click here to display sample texts, then copy them (separately Subject and Message), switch back to the rep’s page tab/window and paste.
- If you learn that the Subject or Message fields have limits on their length, you will have to use your judgment to make your own abbreviations, in a way which best preserves the critical components of your message.
- It would be worthwhile to add the sentence “I will contact your office shortly to schedule an appointment or personal teleconference with you regarding this matter.” at the very end of the message before “Thank you”, but do it only if you seriously intend to do so.
- You can also type your name at the bottom under “Thank you”, but that is not necessary.
- Another important field is the Topic (or Issue) field, which is usually a drop-down list composed by individual reps to reflect their areas of work in the Comgress. You have to find and choose the most suitable phrase; we suggest something like Public Interest, Education, Foreign Relations, Public Relations, perhaps Heritage, History, Remembrance…
- There might be some additional fields to fill out, or “prove you are not a robot” tests to pass. Make sure you follow all instructions exactly. Finally, submit your message.
Within 48 hours you should receive email confirming that the rep’s office received your message (usually much sooner). We would appreciate greatly if you forward any email you receive from your representative’s office regarding this matter to us at In case of trouble, we might be able to help you.